Selasa, 28 Juli 2009
Why God Doesn’t Care if You’re Happy
Why God Doesn’t Care if You’re Happy
By Joseph Mattera
It is evident there are many people in the Body of Christ who attempt to integrate their Christian faith with the pursuit of happiness. Some have even gone so far as to have a theology of happiness in which they obey or disobey Scripture based on what gives them the most happiness. Several years ago a prominent pastor in New York City divorced his wife and married someone else in his church because, he said, “God wants me happy!”
In examining this subject I believe the reason for this belief is most likely a confusion of the concepts of joy and happiness. Joy is an inward sense of peace, contentment, and even ecstasy due to our righteous standing in Christ and fellowship with the Holy Spirit. This state of joy should be present in all believers in spite of the circumstances or challenges one might be facing. Joy is a supernatural experience that cannot be explained outside of a supernatural act of God. As the song writer said, “The world didn’t give us joy so the world can’t take it away!” Jesus told His disciples that He spoke His words to them so that His joy would be in them and their joy would be full (John 15:11). It was for this reason that Paul told us to “rejoice always” (1 Thessalonians 5:16); even in his sorrow he was able to rejoice (2 Corinthians 6:10). Also, Nehemiah 8:10 teaches us that “the joy of the Lord is our strength.”
On the other hand, happiness is based on what “happens” to us. Thus, it is merely an emotionally good feeling when things go according to our desires. The fact that many Christians live their lives based on the pursuit of happiness instead of cultivating the joy of the Lord in obedience to God and faith in the blood of Christ is an indictment of the shallow theology in our midst. This shallow theology has succumbed to the worldly ideal that equates success with material prosperity, comfort, and the ability to live a life of ease. As a minister for almost 30 years I can’t count how many so-called disciples of Christ have uprooted their families from our church and moved to another state merely for economic leverage or to escape the winter season--all without hearing from God or first researching where their family can find a good church. Obviously, they were more led by a belief system based on the pursuit of happiness rather than pursuing the mind of Christ for their God-given purpose. (Of course, it goes without saying that most of these people either fell away or never maximized their purpose in Christ.)
As a follower of Christ for 31 years, I would say that maybe more than half of the things I am called to do are very difficult--things that don’t make me happy. Things like paying close attention to details, endless meetings, conflict resolution between leaders, dealing with tragedies in families, financial challenges, persevering in the ministry in spite of discouragement, and, hardest of all, the continuing challenge of dying to self and putting on the Lord Jesus Christ instead of choosing immediate pleasure and taking the easy roads presented in life. When Jesus told His disciples that He must suffer many things and spoke of His pending death and resurrection, Peter began to rebuke Jesus. (Perhaps Peter equated God’s will with happiness at this stage of his development in Christ.) Jesus’ response was so sharply opposed to Peter’s perspective that He called him Satan (Mark 8:31-33)! Jesus then used this interface with Peter to teach His disciples that following God involves taking up their crosses. Following God involves suffering, not just happiness. Those who use happiness as the greatest gauge to tell if they are in the will of God have totally missed it! The greatest gauge for a believer’s success in life is obedience to the revealed with of God, not fleeting emotional sensations that accompany happiness.
Finally, Paul the apostle said he was delivered from the “mouth of the lion” (Satan) when he stood defending the faith before Caesar. He then said he knew the Lord would deliver him from every evil attack, in spite of noting in this same passage his imminent martyrdom for the faith (2 Timothy 4:6-18). How could Paul, in the same sentence, say that both God would deliver him from every evil attack (verse 18) and yet also that his life would soon be taken (verse 6)? Because he knew that all of the evil satanic attacks against him were meant to stop him from obeying the Lord; it had nothing to do with happiness or living a long, comfort-filled life without conflict or pain.
May God deliver us from the false notion pervading the church that happiness is equal to godliness!
Kamis, 09 Juli 2009
P A Haleluya
1. Mengenali tujuan dan panggilan hidup dalam Kristus (Yoh 15:16)
2. Bersama-sama menjadi murid Kristus & keluarga di dalam Allah (Kis 2:41-47)
3. Menjadi pelaku Firman Tuhan (Mat 7:24-27, Yak 1:22-27)
4. Memuridkan &m emobilisasi setiap orang percaya memenuhi Amanat Agung (Mat 28:18-20)
5. Menjadi terang dan garam dunia (Mat 3:13-16, Mat 25:35-40)
1. Pengajaran, diskusi dan khotbah yang sistematis & memiliki sasaran.
2. Caring group, kelompok aktivis yang perduli pada sesama dan memiliki panggilan pastoral untuk mempersatukan dan mengakrabkan para orangtua murid TKK-SDK-SMPK Baptis Bandung sebagai keluarga di dalam Tuhan.
3. Melakukan pelayanan kasih dan missi ke panti asuhan, panti werda, tuna wisma dan lain-lain tempat.
4. Berdoa syafaat bagi mereka yang memiliki masalah maupun bagi mereka yang masih terhilang/kota/bangsa-bangsa.
“Hallelu-yah” dalam bahasa Ibrani berarti “Pujilah Yah(Yahweh)”. Kata ini muncul dalam kitab Mazmur sebanyak 24 kali. Kata ini menjadi sebutan baku untuk memuji Tuhan dalam kebaktian di Bait Allah sesudah masa pembuangan dari Babel.
Mengapa kita perlu memuji Yahweh atau Tuhan kita? :
- Karena kebesaranNya dalam segala ciptaanNya (Mzm 104:1-35)
- Karena segala perbuatanNya di masa lalu (Mzm 105:1-45)
- Karena kasih setia Allah (Mzm 106:1-48, 117:1-2)
- Karena kebajikan Allah (Mzm 111:1-10)
- Karena kemuliaan hanya bagi Allah (Mzm 115:1-18)
- Karena kita diluputkan dari belenggu maut (Mzm 116:1-19)
- Karena hanya Tuhan yang patut dipuji (Mzm 135:1-21)
- Karena hanya Allah satu-satunya penolong (Mzm 146:1-10)
- Karena kekuasaan dan kemurahan datang dari Tuhan (Mzm 147:1-20)
- Karena langit & bumi [segala ciptaan], memuji Tuhan (Mzm 148:1-14)
- Karena kemenangan bagi orang percaya [Israel rohani] (Mzm 149:1-9)
Orang yang suka memuji Tuhan, ia memiliki kualitas:
1. Mzm 112:1a, takut akan Tuhan (Mzm 1:1-3). Saul takut pada manusia (1 Sam 15:24, 13:1-22)
2. Mzm 112:1b, mentaati segala perintahNYa (Yoh 14:15-16)
3. Mzm 112:4a, menjadi terang dan garam dunia (Mat 5:13-16)
4. Mzm 112:4b dan 9, ia seorang yang pengasih, penyayang dan adil (1 Yoh 4:7-21, Yoh 13:34-35)
5. Mzm 112:5, ia berbelas kasihan dan suka memberi (Mat 25:34-40)
6. Mzm 112:6-8, Tidak mudah goyah, tidak takut pada kabar celaka, hatinya tetap, penuh kepercayaan pada Tuhan (Mat 6:25-34)
7. Mzm 112:10, Dibenci orang fasik/munafik/agamawi (Yesus vs Orang Farisi)
8. Mzm 113:7-9, Rendah hati, bukan rendah diri apalagi tinggi hati.
BIla kita mengejar kualitas atau standar Tuhan maka:
a. Mzm 112:2, anak cucu kita akan perkasa di bumi dan jadi berkat bagi angkatan orang benar atau saudara seiman.
b. Mzm 112:3, harta kekayaan lahiriah batiniah diberikan untuk berbuat kebajikan (ingat bukan untuk dihabiskan sendiri).
c. Mzm 113:1-6, oleh perbuatan orang benar/kita, nama Tuhan ditinggikan. (sekali-kali bukan nama kita)
d. Mzm 113:7-9, promosi datang dari Tuhan, bukan upaya manusia.
Rabu, 01 Juli 2009
“Jangan menjauh…dari kasih karunia Allah, agar jangan tumbuh akar pahit…”(Ibrani
Beberapa bulan lalu, saat kutengah makan di sebuah restoran, sikut tanganku bersinggungan dengan tembok yang kasar hingga terkelupaslah kulit tanganku di bagian sikut.
Keesokan harinya, aku terkejut sebab ternyata luka itu bernanah,”Sangat menjijikkan.” Dibutuhkan waktu 3 minggu hingga luka tersebut sembuh, seandainya aku bertindak dan tidak meremehkan luka kecil tersebut, aku tidak perlu menanggung rasa nyeri akibat infeksi yang terjadi.
Berapa banyak pula di antara kita yang meremehkan luka-luka di dalam hati kita? Saat seseorang menyakiti kita dan kita berkata,”Ah..engga apa-apa, aku hanya tersinggung sedikit.” Kita biarkan luka kecil itu bersarang di dalam hati. Sadar atau tidak, luka yang dibiarkan dalam hati akan meluas dan lalu meracuni hidup kita. Hingga kita menjadi seorang yang pahit hati terhadap sesama.
Bagaimana kondisimu hari ini? Masih adakah “luka-luka kecil” dalam hatimu? Ayo, jangan biarkan luka itu menyiksamu, cepat serahkan pada Tuhan. Bila kita tidak serahkan, luka itu dapat menjadi akar pahit dalam dirimu. Bila luka tersebut sudah berakar dalam dirimu maka penanganannya pun akan jadi lebih menyakitkan. Seandainya luka kecil itu sudah bersarang dalam hatimu, jangan ragu, datang pada Tuhan sebab tidak ada kata terlambat dan mustahil di hadapan Tuhan.
Doa: Tuhan Yesus, di hari yang baru ini kubawa tiap luka yang menyayat kalbuku, aku tidak mau hidup dalam kepahitan, aku mengampuni mereka yang telah melukaiku dan memberkati mereka. Amien
Firman Tuhan: 1 Yoh 4:15-21